Kittens /cats available

At the moment I have no available kittens for adoption.  




Interested in adopting a kitten ? Or putting your name down on a waiting list ? 

Send me an e-mail :  .


Johan ljungman 07.07.2022 08:20

My name is Johan and I am wondering if you have any nebelung cats nog, I live in sweden, we can talk more if you have any, working Thats why its short text.

Sylvia King 03.07.2017 20:00

Hei Norma!

Jeg har sendt deg en epost. Er veldig interessert i å lære mere om Nebelung og muligens også eget oppdrett, etterhvert 🤗

monica taylor 18.02.2017 23:49

Dear Norma,

I am interested in adopting two kittens that will be available in August 2017. Please add my name to the list; I would appreciate your help.

Monica Taylor 16.02.2017 21:30

Dear Heil,

I just sent you an email asking for your help to buy two Chantilly cats so I can Breed them in AMERICA and regain the beautiful Chantilly breed

Evy-Mari Sandøy 07.11.2014 23:01

Lurte på om du har solgt en nebulung i trønderlag i år ? :)

Norma 16.11.2014 12:16

Hei, Beklager at jeg ikke så denne før nå. Nei, jeg har ikke solgt noen til Trøndelag, men har solgt 4 i Norge siste år.

Vivian Plassgård 26.02.2014 17:10

Love <3 Nydelige <3

Norma. 26.02.2014 20:01

Tusen takk ! Det synes jeg også.

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Nyeste kommentarer

07.07 | 08:20

Hi, My name is Johan and I am wondering if you have any nebelung cats nog, I live in sweden, we can talk more if you have any, working Thats why its short text.

07.07 | 22:18

Hi Norma, I hope my information reaches you. Wanted to know if you breed Turkish Angoras; I am looking for one. I am Monica Newsom USA.

26.04 | 15:39

Hi good morning all right, I would like to know how much the nebelung puppy is and if you send it to other countries.

19.03 | 18:26

Hi! I’m in Washington, USA. Have a 13 yr old Chantilly and looking for another! Mine was rescued (with her brother in Spokane) but both sterilized. Help?